Opening Check List
Here is a checklist of things to prepare before your opening:
- Please have the water level high enough so that the skimmers are at least half-filled or higher. The technicians will need to run and check the system for any leaks.
- If you are receiving a vacuum, please have the water level to the top of the pool. We use our own pump to vacuum the pool to remove the initial debris. Once the floor is vacuumed, the technicians brush the pool walls, causing the algae to come off and be killed by the chlorine. Depending on the conditions of the pool, it is very likely that there will be a settlement in the pool a few hours after the opening.
–Above ground pool owners may need to place a rubber plug in the base of their skimmers and return line to hold water.
–Return service due to low water will result in an additional service charge. - The cover must be clear of water and leaves; if we arrive and the cover is full of water and leaves, we may not be able to open the pool due to time constraints in our schedule.
–If Cannonball must clear the cover, you will be billed at our hourly rate of $150 for the time it takes to clear the cover. - Please turn on all breakers to supply power to the pool.
- Please have all your handrails, ladders, skimmer baskets, and similar items out or easily accessible to the opening technicians.
- Payment will be due at the time of completion of the pool opening. We will need a credit card on file before the opening.
Other important information:
It is recommended to come into either of our locations 24 to 48 hours after the pool is opened for your water test and to begin balancing your pool.
Contact Info
556 North Main St.
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
367 Pittstown Rd.
Pittstown, NJ 08867
908.454.2559 Stewartsville Store
908.454.2559 Service Department
908.200.7366 Pittstown Store
Our Locations
556 North Main St.
Stewartsville, NJ 08886
Our Locations
367 Pittstown Rd.
Pittstown, NJ 08867
Our Hours
Stewartsville Hours:
Pittstown Hours:
As of 09/09
Last day in Pittstown in 2024 will be Saturday 09/28
Please email us at INFO@CANNONBALLPOOLSNJ.COM or Call us at (908) 454-2559 and we will return your message as soon as possible. Thank you